CAPEES is thrilled to announce its call for nominations of its 2024 awards. Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, this year we have numerous awards in the following categories, including:
CAPEES-ESE Early Career Award (up to 2)
(Up to) Two awards will be given in 2024 to recognize outstanding early career professors in environmental science and engineering. Nominees must be faculty members in tenure-track and have not been granted tenure by the deadline of nomination. More information.
CAPEES-UCEEF Frontier Research Award (1)
One award will be given in 2024 to recognize an outstanding tenured or tenure-track professor who is considered a pioneer in a research area of Environmental Science and Engineering with original and widely recognized contributions. The awardee will receive an award certificate (or a plaque) and a cash award of $500. More information.
CAPEES-Carina Frontier Research Award (1)
One award will be given in 2024 to recognize an outstanding tenured or tenure-track professor who is considered a pioneer in a research area of Environmental Science and Engineering with original and widely recognized contributions. The awardee will receive an award certificate (or a plaque) and a cash award of $500. More information.
CAPEES-UCEEF Lifetime Achievement Award (up to 1)
(Up to) One award will be given in 2024 to recognize an internationally recognized CAPEES member who has made major contributions to the environmental science and engineering community through exceptional research, education, and services. The selected recipient will receive a plaque and a cash award of $1,000. More information.
CAPEES Founding President Best Paper Award (up to 2)
(Up to) Two awards will be given in 2024 to recognize two outstanding peer-reviewed publications in the field of environmental science and engineering. The winning publication must be led by a student or a postdoctoral scholar in the CAPEES student chapter. Both the student lead author and the corresponding author (supposedly the advisor) will receive an award certificate (or a plaque). The lead author will also receive a cash award of $500. More information.
CAPEES Award for Environmental Application of AI/ML (up to 1)
(Up to) One award will be given in 2024 to recognize one CAPEES professor (any rank) who has made significant contributions to applying artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques to address critical challenges in environmental science and engineering. The selected recipient will receive an award certificate (or a plaque) and a cash award of $1,000. More information.
CAPEES-Elsevier Outstanding Graduate Student Award (up to 2)
(Up to) Two awards will be conferred in 2024 recognize two exemplar graduate students in the field of environmental engineering and science. The awardees should have demonstrated excellence in scholarly research. Leadership in other aspects, such as teaching, student mentorship, entrepreneurship, will also be considered. Each awardee will receive an award certificate (or a plaque) and a cash award of $500. More information.
CAPEES-Elsevier Thesis/Dissertation Award (up to 3)
This award will be given in 2024 to recognize one master outstanding thesis and two doctoral dissertations in the field of environmental engineering or science. If no high-quality nomination for the master thesis is available, three doctoral dissertation awards may be given. The evaluation will be based on the quality of the master thesis/doctoral dissertation and the associated scholarly publications. Each recipient will receive an award certificate (or a plaque) and a cash award of $500. More information.
In addition to these exciting awards, we also call for the nomination of CAPEES Honorary Members to recognize highly achieved scholars and professionals who have made major contributions to promote the development of the broad CAPEES community.
We encourage all eligible CAPEES members to submit your nominations by 03/31/2024. An award committee will be established after the nomination deadline to evaluate the award nomination packages and make award recommendations to the governing committee of CAPEES.
To submit a nomination, please use the generic nomination form accessible through this link.
All CAPEES volunteers are asked to comply with the Conflict of Interest (COI) policy outlined below. This COI policy applies to all committees that select CAPEES Awardees, Lecturers, and Life member, referred to in this document as “Selection Committees”. The COI policy guides the handling of COIs for those committees in the selection of the awardees/lecturers/life member; therefore, promoting an overall ethical process and upholding values of equality, inclusiveness, integrity, and excellence.
The purpose of this COI policy is to avert, to the extent possible, biasing circumstances or the appearance of biasing circumstances in the selection of award/lecturer/fellow recipients.
Ethical Standards
1. Those Ineligible for Awards. CAPEES members holding the leadership positions in award selection committee are not eligible to be candidates or nominate any awards.
2. On the Relationship to an Award Nominee. This policy on the relationship to a nominee is applicable to committee members, nominators, and supporters.
2a. The following relationships need to be acknowledged and communicated to selection committees, but do not disqualify the individual from participating in the nomination or committee review process:
Candidate’s current dean, departmental chair, supervisor, supervisee, laboratory director, an individual with whom one has a current business or financial relationship (e.g., business partner, employer, employee);
Research collaborator or co-author within the last three years; and/or
An individual working at the same institution or having accepted a position at the same institution.
2b. The following offices and relationships disqualify individuals from making nominations:
Nominator/supporter for awards should not be on the “Awards Selection Committee”;
Awards committee chairs cannot nominate or support any candidates or any nominees;
Family member, spouse or partner;
Chairs and members of “Award Selection Committees" who are conflicted with the above-mentioned relationships should recuse themselves from participating in the deliberation and voting process for that particular nominee.
1. Those Ineligible for consideration as a Lecturer.
Members of the Lecturers Committee are ineligible for nomination during their term of committee service.
2. On the Relationship to a Lecturer Nominee. This policy on the relationship to a nominee is applicable to committee members, nominators, and supporters.
Members of the Lecturer Committee are not eligible to evaluate or vote on a nominee for a Lecturer if their relationship with the nominee is one of doctoral student advisee/advisor, and/or post-doctoral associate advisee/advisor. The member of the lecturer committee with this COI will be able to vote on the other entries.
Members of the lecturer committee can serve as nominator or endorser for any nomination submitted to the committee for Lecturer only if it is from a different institution from the nominator and if there is no personal relationship, collaborative efforts, and other types of COI.
1. Those Ineligible for consideration as a Fellow.
All CAPEES members with at least 10 years of continuous membership are eligible to be considered as a fellow.
2. On the Relationship to a Fellow Nominee.
Members of the Life member Steering Committee, the committee that will facilitate the nomination and selection of new CAPEES Life member each year, who have submitted a nomination package should not vote for or discuss that nominee; preparing a support letter is not a conflict of interest.
Steering committee members who are at the same institution or have collaborated actively with any on the nominees within the past three years should not vote for or discuss that nominee.
Steering Committee members with any other actual or perceived conflict of interest are expected to recuse themselves from voting on a particular nominee.
A vital aspect of fairly managing COIs in the selection process of awardees/life member/lecturers is personal ethical integrity in being aware of bias for or against a nominee for any other reason besides those outlined above. Open discussion about potential COIs among selection committee members is required prior to the selection discussion. If, for any reason, committee members judge that they have a COI with a nominee, then they are expected to recuse themselves from any relevant discussion and voting. Examples are provided below:
Those who are supervisors of nominees cannot participate in the review and selection process of “Selection Committees”;
Members of “Selection Committees” may determine that they have conflicts or potential conflicts for other reasons (e.g., open personal or professional disagreements) and act on that determination if they believe that service could affect the fairness of the selection process.
Nominees may also identify potential conflict with an awards/lecturer/life member committee member and can voice that concern as a COI without mentioning the reason for the COI.
COI standards and implementation procedures for service on one of the Award, Lecturer, or Life member Selection Committees should be widely publicized and readily accessible to CAPEES members.
The President, relevant Committee chair, and/or other appointed members of the Award, Lecturer, or Life member Selection Committees will make potential members aware of these ethical standards and the implementation procedures.
Award, Lecturer, or Life member Selection Committee members with a COI will inform the chair of the committee of any potential conflicts before the nominations are reviewed.
The chair of the specific Award, Lecturer, or Life member Selection Committee, in consultation with the members, will determine whether the conflict requires any members to refrain either from voting, from participating in the deliberation process, or from the entire selection procedure.
If vacancies occur on the selection committees due to withdrawal of members from service as a result of a COI during their term, those vacancies should be filled promptly, the relevant Committee chair, with approval from the appropriate Board member, the President, should be prepared to appoint alternates if a vacancy arises due to a conflict.
Any Award, Lecturer, or Life member Selection Committee chair or member with questions or ambiguous circumstances should seek the advice of the Board liaison who will, where necessary, consult with the President on this policy and its implementation.
If a committee member knowingly or unintentionally fails to disclose a COI and participates in the consummated selection process, he or she will not be permitted to participate in any award selection committee or process for a period of two years; he or she will still be allowed to nominate or support packages.
The Award, Lecturer, or Life member Committee members who select the Awardees, lectures, or life member respectively, will review the Conflict-of-Interest Policy every three years and revisions will be forwarded to the CAPEES Board for approval.