CAPEES-Carina Frontier Research Award

One award will be given in 2024 to recognize an outstanding tenured or tenure-track professor who is considered a pioneer in a research area of Environmental Science and Engineering with original and widely recognized contributions. The awardee will receive an award certificate (or a plaque) and a cash award of $500. 

Eligibility Requirement:


Nomination Packages should include (1) a nomination letter from the nominator and (2) the full curriculum vitae of the nominee. To submit a nomination, please use the generic nomination form accessible through this link.

We encourage all eligible CAPEES members to submit your nominations by 03/15/2024. An award committee will be established after the nomination deadline to evaluate the award nomination packages and make award recommendations to the governing committee of CAPEES.

*This award is sponsored by Carina Science & Health ( which is a supplier of high-quality and affordable lab equipment. CAPEES is grateful to Carina for endowing this award.